Thu., March 6, 2025
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Carolina Electric Boats
X-10 Twin Troller

Innovation and useful-ness are keys to success for a new product. 

The Twin Troller from Carolina Electric Boats fits the bill.

The boat, an electric-powered, plastic, two-person vessel, offers a useful innovation.

It's powered by two electric motors that give optimum control, the company says.

Two pedals, one for each motor, control acceleration and steering.

Similar twin-hulled boats, known for stability, have been around for years.

So have electric motors controlled by a single foot pedal

The hands-free operation from any pedal that controls the motor keeps an angler free to do more fishing.

But the Twin Troller's double motors and pedals allow the boat to be spun on a dime or pivoted, the maximum amount of steering control.

The twin motors can also make the boat easier to maneuver to an exact location, and can keep the boat stationary without anchoring.

The top of the pedals are pushed forward to move the boat forward.

The bottom of the pedals are
pushed down with the heels to
move backwards.

Pressure is varied between the two pedals to turn right or left.

To pivot, forward pressure is applied to one pedal while backwards pressure is placed on the other.

Another advantage is that the props are recessed in the hulls, instead of dangling below like usual. That gives the boat maximum draft, able to sail in depths less than 10 inches.

The Twin Troller, made from polyethylene that’s lighter and tougher than fiberglass, the company says, is 10 feet long and 48 inches wide. It can be slid into a pick-up truck bed or a full-sized SUV.

The boat, practically unskinkable
with a foam core, weighs approx-imately 175 pounds, and is meant to carry up to 565 pounds.

Two MotorGuide 36-pound-thrust motors power the boat, and the standard marine battery lasts about 6 to 8 hours.

For more information, visit the Carolina Electric Boats Web site.